Looking for a specific antibody conjugate? 

By Maria Kam Eriksen

Need a conjugated antibody that you don’t see in the Cell Signaling Technology® (CST®) catalog? Save time and avoid pitfalls, like the low yields associated with do-it-yourself (DIY) kits. We can conjugate it for you.

Advantages of CST Custom Conjugation

Flexible: Tiered service offerings range from basic antibody conjugation to full validation and stability testing of conjugates.

Validated: Conjugates are tested in key applications using biologically relevant cell systems and controls, and verified for physical integrity using size exclusion chromatography.

Optimized: Flexible conjugation chemistry, free dye and/or antibody purification, and identification of optimal degree of labeling (DOL) are utilized to ensure the best signal-to-noise ratio.

Support: Receive consultation and technical support from the conjugation experts who produce our ready-made conjugates.

Conjugation Services available

Conjugation Type: ExamplesService TierService Includes
Fluorophores Type I: Alexa Fluor®, Cyanine (CyDye®) and Pacific Blue dyesBasicConjugation + removal of free dye
Tier IDegree of labeling (DOL) + Basic Service
Tier IIValidation1 + Tier I Service
Tier IIIStability testing + Tier II Service
Fluorophores Type II: Phycoerythrin (PE), PE-CyDye® tandems (e.g. PE-Cy®7), and allophycocyanin (APC)BasicConjugation + purification
Tier IValidation1 + Basic Service
Tier IIStability testing + Tier I Service
Haptens: Biotin, Digoxigenin (DIG), DNP, and DansylBasicConjugation + removal of free biotin
Tier IValidation2 + Basic Service
Beads: Sepharose® and MagneticBasicConjugation + removal of free antibody
Tier IValidation3 + Basic Service
Enzymes: Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)BasicConjugation + Purification
Tier IValidation2 + Basic Service
Oligonucleotide 4BasicConjugation + Purification
Tier IBiophysical Characterization + Basic Service

1 Standard validation application method is Flow Cytometry. Alternatives may increase timeline and pricing.
2 Standard validation application method is Western Blot. Alternatives may increase timeline and pricing.
3 Standard validation application method is IP. Alternatives may increase timeline and pricing.
4 Oligonucleotide conjugation offering may be limited for certain IP protected technologies. 

CST Custom Conjugation vs Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Conjugation Kit 

DIY conjugation kits look good on paper, but are you getting your money’s worth? Inefficiencies caused by suboptimal labeling, interference with specificity, and/or destabilization/degradation can negatively affect performance. Another drawback is the loss of antibody during conjugation steps, which can mean finishing with a significantly less functional antibody than you started with.

With Custom Conjugation Services from Cell Signaling Technology (CST), you can avoid these time-consuming pitfalls and get the full amount of antibody you pay for.

Figure on left: Comparison of PE-conjugated Antibody in Flow Cytometry
Comparison of PE conjugation of Helios (D8W4X) XP® Rabbit mAb using CST custom conjugation method (blue) or conjugated using a competitor’s DIY PE conjugation kit (green). Flow cytometeric analysis of RL-7 (dashed lines), a low-expressing cell line, and Jurkat (solid lines), a high-expressing cell line. The calculated signal-to-noise ratio is shown (above).

Comparison of PE-conjugated Antibody in Flow Cytometry

Azemina Ibrahimovic

Product Manager and Team Lead
South of Sweden

+46 (0)8 588 931 25


Azemina Ibrahimovic