
BioNordika offers a vast variety of different instruments. Cell counters, imaging systems, Nanodrop, FastPreps, DNA Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing and many more.

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End-to-end single cell solutions


Singleron provide End-to-End Single Cell Multi-Omics Solutions including kits, instruments, bioinformatics, and service.

Tissue Dissociation

Single Cell Processing System

Single Cell RNA Library Kit

Transfection and Mycoplasma detection



  • Core Unit: The controlling unit

  • X Unit: Transfection in cuvette (100 µL) or 16-well strips (20 µL)

  • Y Unit: Nucleofection of adherent cells (24-well culture plates)

  • 96-well: Medium-throughput module using a 96-well format

  • LV- Unit: Large-scale transfection of up to 1x109 cells


Lucetta 2 Luminometer

Single tube luminometer developed for the detection of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence. Designed with a specific mode for using Lonza’s MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Assays.


Nucleofector Information

Lucetta Information

Homogenizers and extraction systems

MP BioMedicals

FastPrep Tissue Homogenizers

  • FastPrep-24 5G: Advanced Bench-Top Bead Beating Lysis System, up to 48 samples
  • FastPrep-24 Classic: Bench-Top Bead Beating Lysis System, up to 48 samples

  • FastPrep 96: High Throughput, High-Performance Bead Beating Lysis System, up to 96 samples

  • Super FastPrep-2: High-Performance, Handheld Field Lysis system, up to 2 samples

Nucleic acid extraction

  • MPure-32™ aNAP System: automated magnetic bead-based nucleic acid extraction system


FastPrep Instruments

MPure Extraction System

Platelet Aggregation solutions

Bio/Data Corp

PAP-8E Platelet Aggregometer

The PAP-8E Platelet Aggregometer stands as a cutting-edge aggregation instrument, its user-friendliness and adherence to standardized test procedures, ensures swift and routine testing for platelet function.

PDQ, Platelet Function Centrifuge

The PDQ Platelet Function Centrifuge designed for the swift and precise preparation for Platelet Aggregation Testing. Tailored for in vitro diagnostic use, facilitating the rapid separation of whole blood contained in original collection tubes.

Pap-8E brochure

PDQ brochure


Want to book a DEMO or know more about our instruments?

Helene Wahlstedt, PhD

Product Specialist
Instruments and Western parts of Sweden

+46 (0)8 588 931 31

Helene Wahlstedt, PhD

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